Teradek P-Tab to 2-Pin Cable - Rental

Teradek P-Tab to 2-Pin Cable - Rental
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  • Weight
    1 lbs
  • SKU
  • Rental Duration

  • Rental Insurance


Specify Start and End dates of the rental period:

P-Tab to 2-Pin cable for Cube/Bolt systems:
- Teradek T-Tab to 2-Pin cable

Recommended for:
Powering Bolt/Cube transmitter/receivers from V-Mount or Gold-Mount compatible batteries. 

Equipment Availability:

Pick-up or Shipping:
Pick-up from our office, or select 2-Way Shipping during checkout. A minimum of 1-Week rental is required when selecting the shipping option. Equipment ships from Toronto.

Rental Duration Rules:
- Office hours are Monday to Friday 9 - 5 PM (excluding holidays).
- Rentals due back by a weekend or a holiday, must be returned by the next business day.
- Rentals begin before noon of the 1st calendar day, and end before noon of the last day booked.
- Weekends are considered as 3-Day rentals. Pickup Friday morning and return Monday morning.
- Transit time (shipping) is calculated towards your rental period duration. For example, we ship Monday, you get the gear Wednesday, and ship back Friday - if we get the rental back by Monday - the rental period will be 1 week.

Production Insurance:
Before pickup be prepared to show a "production insurance" binder addressed to The Streaming Store, or leave a credit card deposit for the value of the equipment rented. Contact Front Raw Insurance (Canada) or Atos Insurance (USA) to purchase instant short-term production insurance. 



  • Rental Duration
    Select 1-Day rental, Select 3-Days rental, Select 1-Week rental, Select 2-Weeks rental
  • Rental Insurance
    I will leave a deposit., I will bring my own insurance., Call me to discuss options., Email me to discuss options.